STX Ice Hockey

Elite gear at un-elite prices
Challenge: In the shadow of market leaders Bauer and CCM, STX was struggling to gain the trust of the ice hockey community. On top of this, STX had a rocky launch to their ecommerce site, leading to three unsuccessful months prior to the campaign. STX needed a campaign that would spread awareness in the hockey community, improve consumer perception of the brand, and ultimately increase the conversion rate on the ecommerce site.
Insight: Primary research led to the revelation that even though parents are the ones doing the purchasing, hockey-playing kids are the ones that hold the purchasing power. Knowing the unique purchase motivators for parents and kids was key to creating the right message that would encourage trial purchase. Value and warranty for parents, performance and professional use for kids.
For the hockey-crazy kids who want high performance gear and their parents who want it to last longer, STX offers sticks with proven quality, durability and performance for less.
“Elite gear at un-elite prices” was a double edged campaign that served tailored ads to parents and their kids.
Results: 50M impressions. 5x increase in conversion rate.